Christine Kaiser
Your earliest memories of the institute…as in how far back do you go?
First conference - 1977 Washington DC; First year as conference exhibitor 1981; First office - Director at Large +/-1986. I don't remember much except for the building and Stage Expo, such as it was, from the 1977 conference. My first memory of anything substantial was the Fellows Address at the 1979 conference in Seattle. I wondered how USITT Fellows came about and was curious about the Fellows that were at that event.
Does anything stand out as your favorite USITT memory?
I can clearly remember my extra ordinary personal challenges in attempting to connect my first modem to my home computer and connect to the USITT electronic discussion board- something I had to do quickly so that I could I participate in then USITT President Dick Devins's new communication method for the USITT Executive Committee. I wasn't alone in being pressed to improve my computer capabilities and it served many of us well in our futures, even though getting there was truly tough going.
I also remember a very, very cold snowy Syracuse day. The USITT Finance Committee was meeting in Syracuse at the Kaiser house. Our golden retriever visited the guest room and retrieved a jewelry bag belonging to then Finance Committee chair Sarah Nash Gates. The dog transported the bag through her dog door to the fenced side yard. Fence gates don't work with lots of snow. Somewhat dressed for the occasion and "supervised" by the USITT National Office bookkeeper, over the fence I went - snagging my trousers on the fence top. The bookkeeper went for help and after I picked up the well-eaten cloth bag, I had assistance to climb back over the fence. It was a sight to behold, and a string of pearls and some other contents of the bag were found occasionally in the yard in the ensuing years.
Short list of your career highlights
Syracuse Scenery & Stage Lighting Co., Inc. first employed 1971, Vice President 1978, President and CEO 1984 - current.
Short list of your various involvement in the institute
Director at Large +/-1986
Treasurer 1988 - 1996, 1998-2001
President 1996-1998
Anything you want to say about being a fellow?
I was and am totally honored to be among a group of folk who have supported the technical performing arts community and the Institute with such talent and dedication.
Mentoring—is there an area that you’d be happy to mentor students, officers, commissions about?
Anywhere that I could be helpful.