Randy Davidson
Earliest memories:
1962 attended some meetings in the East but never joined. Joined with my dear friend Will Bellman when both of us lived in California, 1964. We both were very active in regional groups affiliated with USITT.
Outstanding memory:
Receiving the USITT Health and Safety Award that I had initiated many years ago, and having Rick Stephens make the presentation.
Career highlights:
founded 7 Risk Management Companies for the Entertainment Industry.
Involved as an Expert Witness in 413 law suits: lost two. Began technical theater work in 1943 at Price College and have continued since then. Founded ISETSA: International Secondary Education Theater Safety Association, 2005.
Involvement in the Institute:
every position except that of an officer. Aided in founding and supporting many of the Regional and Student Chapters across the country, and assisting in founding the Canadian Institute of Theater Technology. Hundreds of workshops, national and regional. Liaison with all of the different Sections and Commissions for years. Three years lobbying for USITT and theater Safety in the U.S. Congress with twelve U.S. Senators and five Representatives. Active in planning national conventions.
Harold Burris-Meyer. Don Shulman. Randy Earle. Joel Rubin. Pat Mackay. Peter Foy. Dick Arnold. Reid Neslage. David Loftin. Ed Kook.
In my opinion: Randy Earle and Dick Arnold are the individuals who stand out as the best models for Fellows. Superb. Humble. Dedicated.
Five Publications:
Pocket Guide to Theater Safety; 3 volume set of Dr. Davidson Eye on Health and Safety in the Theater; Practical Health and Safety Guidelines for Theater Health and Safety; PLUS over five hundred monographs on Entertainment Health, Safety, Product Liability, Environmental Audits, and Security.
Always interested and continue to mentor students and others who are interested in Health
and Safety.