Stephanie Young
Your earliest memories of the institute?
I heard about and joined USITT in grad school (1975) but didn’t really get involved until I moved to Missouri and attended my first conference at Overland Park in 1980 and the Cleveland conference the following year. I missed the next 4 but I have been to every conference since NYC in 1985. While living in NC, I participated in the SE section master classes each fall. My first active participation in a major institute activity was as Treasurer of the 1988 Anaheim conference.
Your favorite USITT memories:
- Sarah riding the horse into the banquet in Wichita.
- The Board’s commendation when I stepped down as P&P Chair. And thenn they asked me to please not run for president since every time I held an office it was dissolved when I finished the job.
Short list of career highlights:
- CalArts School of Theater (30 years)—Head of Stage Management, General Manager and Assistant Dean
- Colorado Shakespeare Festival--Production Manager for 16 seasons
- Santa Rosa Summer Repertory Theater—Production Manager for 9 seasons
Short list of your work with the USITT:
- VP for Projects
- Board Member
- Chair of Planning & Priorities Committee
- SM Mentor
- Treasurer of 1988 Anaheim Conference
- Logistics Chair of 1995 Vegas Conference
- Longtime member of Finance Committee and Management Commission
- Active member of SoCal Section.
Short list of the memorable USITT members who have made a difference to you:
- Dr. Doom
- Rick Stephens
- Sarah Nash Gates
- Dick Durst
- Jean Montgomery
- Elynmarie Kazle
- Will Bellman
- Joe Tawil
About being a fellow?
I consider it a great honor and am looking forward to using that position to contribute to the goals of the Institute.
Anything you'd like to add about what the USITT means to you personally?
The camaraderie and friendships developed through commission programming, committee work and my participation on the board and the executive committee have been very important to me.
Conducting interviews for the Living History Project provided me with great joy at learning more about my colleagues’ backgrounds and goals.
Production Management for students or young professionals
Principles of planning, logistics and scheduling