Shaw Center Technical Coordinator

Job #6668

Job Type Full Time
Location Lamoni, Iowa
Field Default Industry
Post Date Jul 1, 2024
Salary $37,500 + benefits

The Visual and Performing Arts Department at Graceland University is seeking a full-time Shaw Center Technical Coordinator, starting immediately on the Lamoni, Iowa campus.

This is an ideal job for a recent graduate who has experience in technical production, management, video/projection, and/or lighting and sound technology. This is also the perfect job for someone who's a generalist and has experience in a variety of technical areas.

If you're interested in joining a collaborative and supportive team with an exciting growth plan, then this may be the job you're looking for.

Details about this position and the job application can be found at or by clicking the Apply button above.

All questions about this job posting can be sent to: Kimberly Manuel, Chair, Department of Visual and Performing Arts,


Bachelor’s degree is required.
Master’s degree is desired.
Certification in areas relevant to this job, such as rigging and/or audio/visual technology and operation, is also desired.
