July Virtual Trainings for Mental Health First Aid and Bystander Intervention for Bullying and Harassment

July 9, 2024

Mental Health First Aid
Join the 1,400 entertainment industry professionals who are making a real difference in their workplaces by becoming a certified Mental Health First Aider. Expand your skill sets by learning how to identify, understand and respond to signs of distress in your colleagues and help make our workplaces healthier and safer spaces. Mental Health First Aid takes the fear and hesitation out of starting conversations, teaches how to listen non-judgmentally and give reassurance, and how to refer to appropriate professional support. You will be able to use the information you learn every day in interactions with your co-workers as well as friends and family.

This month’s Mental Health First Aid virtual class is posted for July 21 at btshelp.org/mhfa. The course is delivered in two parts. The first is a 2 hour self-paced online course that must be completed prior to an interactive 6 hour virtual, live instructor-led session.

The registration fee is $125. IATSE Members and those working under IATSE agreements may be eligible for Training Trust Fund reimbursement upon proof of successful completion of the course. A limited number of partial and full scholarships are available to individuals not eligible for reimbursement.

Private group classes of 10 -25 are available – contact mhfa@btshelp.org for information.

Bystander Intervention in the Entertainment Workplace
Have you ever witnessed a co-worker being bullied or intimated? Would you like to know how to safely intervene?

Behind the Scenes is partnering with Right To Be, a social justice organization that specializes in education around bullying and harassment, to present free interactive webinars on Bystander Intervention in the Workplace. In just 90 minutes you will learn five easily accessible tools for use in any workplace to safely intervene without the worry of retaliation. Entertainment industry scenarios will help you understand how to choose tools to match your comfort level.

The webinar is free but advance registration at btshelp.org/bystander is required to receive the zoom login. The next webinar will be held July 22 at 7pm ET. These webinars are sponsored by the IATSE International and are open to all entertainment industry workers.

Bullying, harassment, and intimidation is a common workplace stressor throughout all sectors of the entertainment industry. These behaviors create a physically and psychologically unsafe workplace for everyone. This training will teach you how to safely intervene and help to make a difference.

Visit btshelp.org/mentalhealth to see all the available tools and resources in our Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Initiative.

Further information from Behind the Scenes: www.behindthescenescharity.org