Monthly Subscription Membership Option Now Available
May 15, 2020
The USITT Board of Directors has approved a change in the association’s bylaws to allow members to pay their dues either monthly or annually. The change was approved at the Board’s May 14, 2020 online meeting and is effective immediately.
Monthly memberships begin at only $7 for student members and top out at $15 for professional members. All individual memberships can now be paid on a monthly basis.
New members may choose to begin their membership on a monthly basis, current members may convert their annual membership to monthly subscriptions, if they desire, when their current membership expires.
Individuals can join or renew online here for either membership option. New members will be required to create an account and all members who choose the monthly option must store a payment method on our secure site.
Member benefits are the same for either option.
USITT realizes the importance of member engagement, especially at a time when the live entertainment sector has been decimated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Being a USITT member will give design and technology professionals a leg up when the industry begins to recover,” said Executive Director David Grindle, “because the connections that come from being a member and the resources that USITT provides to members are essential components in job-seeking and skill-building.”
But, he continued, “We also recognize that traditional membership may be cost-prohibitive for many in our industry, especially after such a long shut-down period. That’s why this decision by the Board to make membership as accessible as possible is so important.”
“I am pleased that the Board took this important step,” noted Institute President Dan Culhane. “It is another in a series of forward-looking decisions by the Board to continue aligning USITT’s priorities with member needs.”
Click here to learn more about our new monthly subscription membership options. We hope you will strongly consider becoming a member of USITT or renewing your membership with either option.