My USITT Story: Ashley Bellet

August 13, 2024

By: Ashley Bellet, theatrical designer, crafts artisan, and current USITT Board Secretary

At my second USITT Conference, I was feeling really friendly and confident, having created a small circle of friends with whom I met up at several events. I was leaving an evening reception and hopped in a waiting elevator with a gentleman who also had a USITT badge, though I couldn't see his name. My energy was still high, and I said hello and asked how his Conference was and if it was his first. I had just spent the day showing my first-timer students around and I mentioned a few things he should check out the next morning if he had time. He tilted his head to the side and said, "Thanks, I've been to a few Conferences." I introduced myself as Ashley and he said his name was Joe. As he stepped off the elevator I read his badge-- it was Joe Aldridge, the (at the time) current President of USITT.

To this day I still laugh about it, and curse my extroverted nature...but nod hello to Joe when I see him every year.