The Newly Renamed Foundation for Stage Managers Announces Fall Grants
December 12, 2024
The Foundation for Stage Managers (FSM), formerly known as the Stage Managers’ Association Foundation, is pleased to announce that three grantees – two arts organizations and an individual – have been selected to receive monetary grants in the Foundation’s Fall 2024 grant cycle.
A grant has been awarded to Silver Spring Stage (Silver Spring, MD), which sought funding to provide stipends to hire stage managers for their theater company, as well as to create a mentoring program with more experienced stage managers.
Three Bone Theatre, Inc. (Charlotte, NC) has received a grant to create an on-the-job training program for stage managers, enabling the company to institute a paid ASM position.
David McGraw (Greensboro, NC) for the Stage Manager Survey was awarded an individual grant to enable him to pay stage managers with translation backgrounds to assist in the translation of the 10th Edition of the Survey into multiple languages, permitting more voices to be heard and resulting in a broader understanding of our field.
The mission of FSM is to support stage managers by providing funds for continuing career education and development, and for public events that enhance stage management skills. The Foundation awards grants twice per year – a total of 14 grants have been announced since FSM was founded in 2022. The next grant cycle will take place in the spring of 2025. For further details, or to apply for a grant, visit
“I want to give a huge shout-out to the FSM… they fund grants that allow young stage managers to get paid for fellowships that allow them to learn on the job,” comments Ken McGee, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS
“Thank you to the FSM for your investment in the future of theater here in Grand Rapids.” – Ebony Road Players, Grand Rapids, MI

Further information from the Foundation for Stage Managers (FSM):