Now On Sale! ESA Crowd Safety Workshop

August 5, 2024

The Event Safety Alliance (ESA) is excited to announce the next edition of our Crowd Safety Workshop, a comprehensive two-day training program designed to enhance public safety and enjoyment at live events and other mass gatherings. The workshop will be held November 11-12, 2024 in San Diego and led by Tim Roberts, CEO of Creative Safety Inc and Director of The Event Safety Shop Ltd. UK, a globally recognized expert in the field of event and crowd safety.

This workshop aims to foster a common understanding and promote best practices in the design and operation of event spaces. Attendees will learn how to identify risks within crowds, practical mitigation mechanisms, as well as develop familiarity with analytic processes and the recording of proportionate measures.


Participants will gain the following skills and knowledge:

  • Identification of historic crowd incidents leading to serious injury or fatality.

  • Explanation of mechanisms by which harm arises in crowd settings.

  • Recognition of warning signs that conditions are deteriorating.

  • Understanding of basic crowd dynamic concepts such as density, flow, Levels of Service and the physical relationship of customers with the built environment

  • Familiarity with simple crowd modeling benefits and limitations.

  • Ability to undertake DIM-ICE and RAMP models as referenced under the California Concert and Festival Crowd Safety Act.

  • Development of a comprehensive Crowd Risk Assessment.

  • Identification of key benefits and limits of various audience barrier and fencing types.

  • Explanation of requirements for a front-of-stage barrier system.

  • Identification of elements required for situational awareness, communications, and control.

This workshop will combine presentations, small group work, and physical activities, encouraging active participation and discussion among attendees. Participants will share experiences and knowledge to develop a unified approach to crowd risk management.


Registration for this workshop is $275 for ESA members/$325 for non-members, which includes course materials, lunch, and refreshments. Capacity is limited to ensure an optimal learning experience, so interested persons are encouraged to register early. For additional questions, please email