The Stage Managers’ Association Announces 2024 Del Hughes Awards for Lifetime Achievement in the Art of Stage Management

October 15, 2024

On Monday, October 28th, 2024, the Stage Managers’ Association (SMA) will present its annual Del Hughes Awards for Lifetime Achievement in the Art of Stage Management, at the National Opera Center’s Marc A. Scorca Hall in NYC. The distinguished 2024 honorees are theatrical Production Stage Managers Lloyd Davis, Jr., Ed De Shae, and Denise Yaney. In addition to these Lifetime Achievement Awards, the SMA will honor Mary Hunter with The Founders Award for her careers both in Stage Management and as a leading educator. This year’s Special Recognition Award will shine the spotlight on David J. McGraw and The Stage Manager Survey.  

The Del Hughes honor is awarded to those who represent the finest qualities and artistic achievement in stage management throughout their lifelong career. Instituted in 1986, the award was named for Del Hughes, who had an illustrious career as a Broadway and television stage manager as well as a TV director from 1933 to the 1970s. Honorees are chosen each February from nominations submitted by industry members.  

Adrienne Wells, Chair of the Stage Managers’ Association, states "In all of the entertainment industry's many segments, Stage Managers have a positive impact on every production they work on. Their day-to-day work is critical to the smooth running and successful artistic execution of a show but is often unseen by most people. It continues to be our honor to publicly recognize the amazing skill and artistry that Del Hughes Award recipients have brought to their careers. Additionally, through the outstanding achievements of this year's Founders Award and Special Recognition Award recipients, we continue to advance the next generation of Stage Managers and our knowledge of the Stage Management Industry." 

Del Hughes honoree Ed De Shae reflects “I pay homage to the dreams & aspirations of those upon whose shoulders I stand. My mission has primarily been to serve the American Black Theatre Movement and expanded to include the World Stage. Theatre is a labor of love! Gibran said of love, "Think not that you can guide the course of love... For love, if it finds you worthy shall guide your course." 

Taking in this moment, Del Hughes honoree Lloyd Davis, Jr. speaks to mentorship, “Two things I always emphasized to my mentees were: The need to fully understand that stage managers are the artistic catalysts in the rehearsal process. Our organizational and communication skills are essential in setting up a safe environment in the rehearsal room for the actor to “sail or fail".  Along with, “Every stage manager should take at least one acting class. You are on that stage as much as every actor is when you are calling a show in performance. Understanding the mindset of the actor is vital in the timing and execution of cues and the smooth running of the show.” During Lloyd’s early career, his “…only mission when I moved to NYC, as a wide-eyed college grad full of dreams was, “Broadway in 10 years or bust!”. But I realized shortly after moving to NYC that Broadway wasn't the brass ring. The exciting, challenging work, and the real art, was happening Off and Off Off Broadway. It was the ’70s and a magical time to be in NYC theatre. I was here and in the throes of it all. Mission accomplished!” 

This year, with Del Hughes honoree Denise Yaney’s prolific career-long role as a Broadway Assistant Stage Manager, the SMA celebrates the position of the Assistant Stage Manager. In speaking personally about the future of our industry, Denise expressed, Computing and cell phones are here to stay. They help with tasks and communication is instantaneous, but I would  hope for a return to a rehearsal room where a mug of pencils, a sharpener, and a box of Kleenex are all that’s on the stage manager’s table and not a bank of opened laptops separating me from the actors and their creative process and the actors from their creative partners.” 

Mary Hunter, being honored with The Founders Award shares, her “impacts are not for me to site but rather they are reflected in the results of one’s work and/or the experiences of your colleagues or students. At Yale, to heighten the profile and respect for Stage Managers and to give more definition and understanding as to the practice of stage management, I worked to establish the Department of Stage Management rather than it being a program within another department at the school.” Throughout her career she “simply wanted to work with the highest caliber of theatre artists and artisans at large, artistically varied, and financially supported regional theatres around the country. While in school, I sent out one resume to The Guthrie Theatre, got an internship in the scene shop, and never looked back. My career path consisted of timing, reputation, a willingness to travel, and an eagerness to take on any challenge.” 

On receiving the Special Recognition Award, David J. McGraw states, “The Stage Manager Survey is only as strong as the number and range of stage managers who participate. The SMA has championed the survey since its beginnings and this award will provide even more visibility as the survey continues to grow.” Reflecting on the impact on our industry, “While it has been wonderful to have the Stage Manager Survey cited in other studies and publications, what is most rewarding is hearing from working stage managers what the survey has meant to them. Stage Management is an isolated profession, so it can be very reassuring to see that there are others facing the same challenges as ourselves.” 

Cheryl Mintz and Matthew Stern, Chairs of the Del Hughes Event and Directors-at-Large of the Stage Managers’ Association, are pleased to announce the guest speakers at the event, which include Broadway Production Stage Manager and past Del Hughes Award honoree Roy Harris, Broadway Production Stage Manager Diane DiVita, Artistic Director, Director & Actor William Carden, and Choreographer Yvonne Curry. SMA Chair Adrienne Wells will give the keynote. John M. Atherlay will speak on behalf of the Stage Managers’ Association Foundation. The hosts of the event are Cheryl Mintz and past Special Recognition Honoree Narda E. Alcorn. The SMA thanks Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS for their leading sponsorship of the event. 

The event is available virtually on Monday, October 28th, 2024 at 7:30 pm ET/4:30 pm PT.  Registration is required and the event is free. Visit their website here to register!

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