UW-Madison Offers Technical Theatre Symposium for Educators

May 23, 2024

The University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Theater and Drama presents its fourth annual Technical Theatre for Performing Arts Teachers Summer Institute. This multi-course event is specially designed for K-12 teachers of music, theater, dance, art, PAC managers, parents, and others who find themselves needing to design, supervise, or teach technical theater skills. Others who may benefit include those who use technical theater skills for live events, houses of worship, community theaters, technical theater professionals, and college students. All material is presented online, asynchronously, with optional in-person opportunities as may be identified.

Summer 2024 classes:  Course #619
Lecture #1, Audio, covers the fundamentals of acoustics, microphone selection and placement, signal flow, sound board operation, sound effects, troubleshooting, and writing cues.
Lecture #2, Rigging, covers terms, standards, codes, knots, equipment, techniques, and safety procedures for a variety of common rigging needs including counterweight line set operation and maintenance. Added for 2024 - using ModTruss and SketchUp in the 7-12 classroom
Lecture #3, Props, is a brand new class! This course covers how to identify, select, source, create, modify, and maintain props.

Registration opened on April 1st, but there is still time to sign up before classes begin this summer. Classes run mid-June through mid-August online, asynchronous. You have the option to take 1, 2, or 3 credits. Tuition is dependant on residency status, number of credits, and type of student status. Tuition rates can be found here.
Recommended book list will be sent the week before class starts, books are around $75 for each class and can be obtained from your favorite provider.

Classes are available for 1, 2 or 3 credits.
1 credit/audit - hear/see/read everything but no assignments/assessments are due
2 credits - includes assignments/assessments and individualized feedback
3 credits - includes an additional independent activity that is determined between the student and professor. In the past these have included design, research, aritstic creation, and similar activities. 2 or 3 credit participants will need access to a camera suitable to record short videos demonstrating their skills - a cellphone camera is fine.

How to Enroll
First, establish “Special Student Status”  using info here: https://acsss.wisc.edu/returning-adults/
You’ll most likely be “UNDS” University Special Non-degree Student BUT might also be one of the others found here: https://acsss.wisc.edu/special-student-types/
Then complete the free applicaton here (takes 20 minutes or so): https://acsss.wisc.edu/apply/

Questions about how to enroll? Email Robin.Fisher@wisc.edu
Department of Theatre and Drama – School of Education
6173 Vilas Communication Hall
University of Wisconsin-Madison
821 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin
608/263-2329 FAX: 608/263-2463