Past Presidents of USITT
In accordance with the current USITT Bylaws, Article V, the President of the Institute serves a three-year term, preceded by a one-year term as President-Elect and followed by a one-year term as Immediate Past President. The current President's term ends June 30, 2027.
Carolyn Satter, 2021-2024
Dan Culhane, 2018-21
Mark Shanda, 2015-18
Lea Asbell-Swanger, 2012-15
Joe Aldridge, 2010-12
Carl Lefko, 2008-10
Sylvia Hillyard Pannell, 2006-08
John S. Uthoff, 2004-06
Bruce Brockman, 2002-04
William J. Byrnes, 2000-02
Leon I. Brauner, 1998-00
Christine L. Kaiser, 1996-98
Richard W. Durst, 1994-96
Sarah Nash Gates†, 1992-94
Donald C. Shulman†, 1990-92
Richard M. Devin, 1988-90
David Hale Hand, 1986-88
James R. Earle, Jr.†, 1984-86
Ronald C. Olson†, 1982-84
Leland H. Watson†, 1980-82
Charles E. Williams†, 1977-80
Edward F. Kook†, 1975-77
Richard L. Arnold†, 1973-75
Ned A. Bowman†, 1972-73
Walter H. Walters†, 1971-72
C. Ray Smith†, 1968-71
Donald H. Swinney†, 1965-68
Joel E. Rubin†, 1963-65
Thomas DeGaetani†, 1961-63
†denotes deceased
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updated 02-01-2024