Rigging Safety Initiative Guidelines

Eligibility and Criteria

USITT's Rigging Safety is a safety program that will allow secondary educational facilities to apply for a grant to be used towards a rigging system safety inspection in their performance spaces. The program was originally made possible by founding sponsor and rigging manufacturer J.R. Clancy, now a division of Wenger Corporation.

USITT is accepting applications towards funding of a rigging inspection. In order to apply a school facility must fall within the following guidelines:

  1. Schools must be currently in operation with an active theatre, dance or music program.

  2. Schools must have a counterweight, “dead hung,” or motorized rigging system in a theatre or auditorium in order to qualify.

  3. Applications must be completed and submitted to USITT. All applications will be reviewed by a committee comprised of Industry professionals and recommendations for acceptance will be made in a ranked priority order.

  4. Applications must be signed by the theatre or music program staff member and a supervising administrator such as a principal or superintendent. Contractor will provide copies of the inspection report to both signed parties.

In addition to the inspection, the school will receive 4 hours of training for up to 8 staff and students on basic rigging operation, safety and maintenance.

If an application is approved, USITT will supply a list of approved rigging contractors in the area that can perform the inspection. USITT will pay the inspector directly once the inspector has submitted the results to USITT. The school is responsible for the cost of any travel or housing of the inspector along with any equipment necessary to perform the inspection; i.e. personnel lift necessary to access equipment.

Inspections will be coded to ensure that any life safety or major safety issues are highlighted. Inspectors reserve the right to “tie off” or otherwise disable line sets or systems with extreme safety issues, such as those posing immediate threat to life or limb.

A separate application is required for each theatre rigging system. If a facility contains two theaters, two applications must be submitted. If a school district is applying for multiple schools, an application must be submitted for each rigging system in each, individual school. Multiple applications will be treated independently and there is no guarantee that all facilities in a system will be funded in one grant cycle.

Schools with multiple facilities may apply during each grant cycle until all facilities have been inspected.